The Human Rights Organization in Afrin: Activists reported that one of the settlers claimed that the Kurdish region of Afrin is the land of Erdogan, his words stemming from the strength of the militias loyal to the Turkish government and their protection of the settlers.
They added that one of the settlers, who hails from Idlib governorate, came to the village of Satya of Mabata town, on Friday evening, 14/05/2021, by assaulting the elderly citizen Amina Ahmed, from the village’s residents, and hitting her with sticks on her back, making a cut and severe pain, and being heard bad words, because she was forbidden to graze cattle in the middle of the olive field, and as the settler responded, claiming that this land belongs to Erdogan and not yours.
While the people of the village gathered and protested about his heinous act, and they went to the town center on Saturday morning on 15/5/2021 to file a complaint against the settler, and at the moment the report was written, the civil or military police did not intervene in the matter.
In the same context a number of armed settlers in the village of Altanya of Rajo town descended from the Mawaliya clan, on Friday 30/04/2021 bought goods on credit from the commercial store belonging to the citizen Mahmoud Ismail Ali (from the village of Mamola and brother of the Mukhtar) in Rajo Market, however, he refused to sell on debt due to the accumulation of debts on the settlers and the lack of commitment to pay the debts owed by them from the past, so they attacked and hit him, which led to damage in one of his eyes as they uttered obscene words against the Kurds and described them as harbingers, then, the citizen Mahmoud Ismail Ali complained to the Civil Police, they have not taken any legal measures against them so far.
Members of the Hamzat militia controlling the village of Upila of Bulbul town, during the past few days, withdrew the legal agencies issued by the local council that cost them money, regarding the management of the properties of their families and relatives, after they incurred the expenses related to plowing the land, pruning the vineyards and clearing olive trees and fruit trees “Apricot – Cherry” in order to seize the vineyards and steal and plunder their crops of grape leaves.