Clashes in the center of Jenderes

Since the Turkish occupation forces invaded Afrin (March 2018) accompanied by the armed militia elements of the Syrian Interim Government and the Syrian National Coalition loyal to it, the elements of these militias have turned into mercenaries, thieves and gangs targeting the Kurdish citizens in their villages by all possible methods of kidnapping and killing them and Theft of their properties and the seizure of their homes, shops, and fields under the direct direction and supervision of the Turkish intelligence agents, and what increased the ferocity of these practices and violations and the expansion of their territory, the recruitment of settlers and their use as tools in the implementation of expansionary settlement projects, and with the passage of time the conflict has arisen. Between the various armed militia elements and the shifting of the balance of power to the control of the party enjoying the advantages of logistical support and obedience to the policies and procedures drawn up by the Turkish occupation forces.

On this basis, armed clashes erupted in the center of Jenderes district, on Saturday evening, 12/12/2020, between a group of militia members of Nour al-Din al-Zanki, led by Firas Bitar, and a group of settlers from Eastern Ghouta (some of them belong to the Ahrar al-Sham militia) because of The settler, Maher Abu Al-Fawz, expelled them from Ghouta, who seized a house on the street of the village of Yalangoza near the remittance office – a bucket – owned by a Kurdish citizen Muhammad Basouta, nicknamed (Abu Omar), forcibly displaced, and the clashes resumed this morning, Sunday, on the 13th On / 12/2020, which led to the death of an armed member and the injury of several others, and they were taken to medical centers for treatment, in addition to burning the house of Mohammed Basuta (Abu Omar).

This morning, a military convoy went from the city of Afrin to the district center to resolve the clashes between the militants and hold a reconciliation meeting, to conceal differences and resolve them by mutual consent or resort to coercion by a decision by the Turkish occupation forces.

Note that these clashes are not the first time between armed militia elements that occur from time to time over theft and seizure of the property of the indigenous Kurds in the Afrin region.

Human Rights Organization in Afrin
