Afrin… Secret detention centers under Turkish supervision

The Human Rights Organization in Afrin, since the invasion of its military forces, accompanied by armed militias affiliated with the Syrian Interim Government and the Syrian National Coalition, Afrin region, the Turkish government has sought to exclude the free officers and rely on elements of thieves and militiamen and use them as tools to distort the image of the Syrian revolution and opposition on the one hand, and through them, stirring up ethnic strife, religious and fighting the Kurds, with the aim of diverting their attention from fighting the Syrian regime over time according to regional and international formulas and agreements (Astana-Sochi), Turkey has also expanded the authority of the leaders of these militias to practice inhuman violations against the indigenous Kurdish population and finance them in establishing security headquarters and secret detention centers under the direct supervision of Turkish intelligence agents. We will touch the secret arbitrary detention centers that are not subject to the legislative laws and the formal administrative judiciary, but rather follow the leaders of armed militias in a number of villages in the Afrin region without mentioning other detention centers for security needs. These prisons include:

1- Al-Mawasalat Prison – Afrin: It is run by the al-Jabha al-Shamiya militia under the supervision of the Syrian security personnel who have defected from the Syrian regime, where detainees are subjected to all methods of severe torture and preliminary investigation, and then they are transferred to the prison Sijo (al-Ma’sara).
2- 2 Al-Barrad Prison – Afrin City: It is run by the al-Jabha al-Shamiya militia and contains the Kurdish kidnapped citizens in Afrin and the surrounding villages, especially women, where detainees in it are subjected to various methods of physical and psychological torture.

3- Al-Karama School Prison – Afrin: Al-Karama School is considered one of the oldest schools in Afrin. The prison is run by the Faylaq al-Sham militia, where detainees are subjected to various methods of torture, and it contains a special wing for women.

4- The al-Mahkama Prison – Afrin: It is located in the old building of the court, and it is considered one of the detention centers for women who were kidnapped from all over the Afrin region, where the detention center is run by the al-Jabha al-Shamiya militia and Turkish intelligence.

5- Turinde Prison – Afrin: It is run by Turkish intelligence agents, and it is the most dangerous secret detention center, in which all methods of physical and psychological torture are practiced.

6- Afrin Azhar Prison – Afrin City: It is run by the Ahrar al-Sharqiya militia under the supervision of Turkish intelligence agents. Most of the detainees are from Afrin city and the surrounding villages.

7- Al Etihad Arab School Prison – Afrin: It is run by the al-Jabha al-Shamia militia and contains a wing for women, which was later converted into a military headquarters.

8- Ashrafiya Prison – Afrin: It is located in one of the old abandoned houses run by an armed group (a gang of thieves) led by Abu Idris. It contains four rooms, including two detainees and the number is approximately 50-60 individuals.

9- Mahmuodiya Prison – Afrin: It is run by the al-Hamzat militia and it contains dozens of detainees, and there are two rooms for women.

10- The Villas Street Prison – Afrin: It is located in an abandoned house and is run by the Ahrar al-Sharqiya militia.

11- Amir Ghobari School Prison – Afrin: It is run by Turkish intelligence agents in coordination with a number of armed militia leaders. Cases related to the previous administration are being investigated.

12- Al-Basouta Prison – Afrin City: Also known as the Citadel Prison, the prison is supervised by the leaders of the al-Hamzat militia, where most of the detainees are Kurdish kidnapped residents of villages under the control of the militia.

13- Khirbat Shara Prison – Shara town: It was previously run by Sultan Murad’s militia, then it was later transferred to a prison run by the military and civil police.

14- Kafr Janna Prison: This prison is supervised by the members of the al-Jabha al-Shamia militia, led by Abu Ahmed Nour, where torture is practiced without control or supervision of the kidnappers, as Kurdish civilians are liquidated due to the lack of financial means and their incapable conditions are met as a result of their demand for huge sums of money that may range between 15 – 25 thousand US dollars, note that the prison contains individuals who have been kidnapped for more than two years, and at the same time it refuses to hand them over to the judiciary and the civil and military police, and denies their existence completely, bearing in mind that the brigadier called “Abu Ibrahim”, the head of the administration, belongs to the al-Jabha al-Shamia militia, and in the event of any complaint against them, he hides it. When the lawyers review the administration and investigate the fate of the kidnapped (their clients), the answer is that the matter is in the hands of the Turkish intelligence service and we cannot interfere in matters.

15- Shingelle Village Prison – Bulbul town: The prison is located in the house of citizen Jamil Muhammad Atish, and is run by the al-Hamzat militia who control several villages in the area (Shingelle – Za’re – Ali Karo – Bekke) of the Bulbul town, the prison is in a rectangular shape, more than 15 meters in length and 5 meters in width ( Previously, it was a corral – a stable) in which torture is carried out brutally using all the methods of what as the Syrian regime used (electrocution – Blanco – the wheel and placing an iron bar in the hands of the kidnapper – a penis to extract nails – burning with cigarettes – the quadruple cable), which leads to permanent disabilities and sensory loss and paralysis.

16- Midan Akbas Prison – Rajo town: The prison is supervised by the members of the Faylaq al-Sham under the supervision of the Turkish intelligence, as it was built near the Turkish border, and accommodates approximately 350-400 detainees consisting of ten closed rooms with small internal air vents, and it is used in it all possible methods of torture and detainees are transferred after the initial investigations are carried out into Turkish territory.

17- Al-Mihata Prison – Rajo town: It is called the station because it is located within the train station and is supervised by the Ahrar al-Sharqiya militia, where most of its detainees are residents of the town and some residents of the villages of Mabata town, and it is known as one of the worse detention centers in relation to the supervisors of its administration.

18- Kuran Prison – Rajo town: A small prison located in a house on the outskirts of the village supervised by the Faylaq al-Sham militia. Most of the detainees are from the village and surrounding villages.

19- Shiye Prison – Shia town: It is called Abu Amsha prison, after the name of the faction leader, in which various forms of torture are practiced.

20- Qarmitlq Prison – Shiye town: It is run by the militia of Sultan Suleiman Shah Al-Amshat, led by Muhammad Al-Jassim, nicknamed Abu Amsha, located within the security headquarters, and a number of people were killed within the prison, including vice president of the local council in Shiye Ahmad Sheikho, who was martyred under torture, and also, a number of people were killed within the detention center, including firing bullets and others as a result of torture.
