Leaders of armed militias and their enslavement decisions

The Human Rights Organization in Afrin: Activists said that the so-called commander of the Hamzat militia, Sabri Sakran, who controls the following villages (Beke – Shingelle – Ali Karo) of Bulbul town, decided to move the secret detention center (prison) from the house of Kurdish citizen Jamil Atash to the house of his brother Luqman Atash, which is larger in the area at the entrance to the village and divides the rooms the precedent was referred to solitary confinement and the allocation of a room for interrogation, which contains torture equipment. This change came after we indicated in a previous report issued on 09/01/2021 about all the secret detention centers in the Afrin region, including the Shingelle prison.

Activists added that the elderly woman Amina, nicknamed (Amme) 86 years old, from the village of Shingelle, is still prevented from visiting her house which was seized by the Hamzat militia members since the Turkish occupation forces entered the village.

The reported that the so-called Sabri Sakran rented the olive fields and other types of fruit trees belonging to the Kurdish citizen Suleiman Karshut and his brothers – estimated at about 500 olive trees – to an Arab settler, where the latter grazed his livestock and cut down trees to benefit from them as firewood.

Human Rights Organizataion in Afrin
