Collecting the ransom is as an excuse to kidnap any Kurdish

Human Rights Organization in Afrin: Informed sources told the Human Rights Organization in Afrin that since the terrorist bombing occurred within the car of the leader of the al Jabha al Shamiya called Muhammad al-Hazwani in Mabata town center on Friday 18/12/2020 as a result of personal disputes between militia members and settling accounts about the thefts and the looting of the property of the indigenous Kurdish population, the bombing operation became a pretext for revenge, accompanied by a clearly racist and chauvinist outlook through inhumane actions and practices according to the positions and policies of the Turkish occupation government, as during the month of December 2020, as a result of this policy, more than 220 citizens were kidnapped in the Afrin region, most of them from the subordinate villages of Mabata town.

Sources said that, on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays, 20 – 21 – 22/12/2020, members of the al Jabha al Shamiya militia raided a number of villages (the town of Mabata town – Husse – Shitka – Brimja) and kidnapped more than 30 people, and the kidnappings followed most of the people in the villages for the purpose of material extortion and the collection of ransoms, and accusing them of false pretenses. The process continues to this day by virtue of their handing over the lists of required names to the village Mukhtars and their determination of the names and dates of bringing them to the security headquarters of the faction and interrogating them, and then forcing them to pay the ransom in exchange for their release.

The last batch were kidnapped from the people of the village of Husse of Mabata town, they are the elderly aged between 60-65 years, on Monday February 22/2021, with the same usual charges, and they were taken to the security headquarters in the town center.

However, each of them put in his pocket some Turkish cash as a guarantee to return to his home the next day (they were released), so that the kidnapping of Kurdish citizens in the Afrin region in general has become a source of stealing money for the leaders and members of the militias of the Syrian Interim Government of the National Coalition, and there are even some leaders impose amounts ranging between 500-2000 Turkish liras, and we have reached the following names so far:

1 – Muhammad Hassan Hamaliko
2 – Muhammad Manan Abdo
3 – Muhammad Mustafa Hasiko
4- Mustafa Jaafar Gianj Khamis
5 – Mustafa Bakr Omar
6 – Mustafa Mahmoud Hanan
7 – Fa’eq Suleiman Muhammad

On the other hand, the fate of the citizen Safqan Ahmed Mustafa, a resident of the village who was kidnapped by the military police, accompanied by members of the al Jabha al Shamiya militia in early December 2020, is unknown so far.

Activists reported to the Human Rights Organization in Afrin that the kidnapping of each of the citizens:
1 – Hussein Rashid Bakr, known as Hussein Khoja, nicknamed Hunik, 42 ​​years old.
2- Bashar Omar Bakr, 18 years old, his nephew.

The two citizens are from the village of Qarmitlq of Shiye town, on Wednesday 10/02/2021, while they were on their way to the city of Izaz for the purpose of crossing into Turkish territory through the Bab al-Salama crossing, and their fate remains unknown until now. It is reported that Hussein Rashid Bakr, accompanied by his wife, was previously kidnapped, during the month of September 2020 in the city of Izaz following a tip-off from one of the merchants – his competitor in the field of selling potatoes – who dealt with the elements of the al Jabha al Shamiya. He was released after being forced to pay a ransom of $ 3,000.
