Dependence on the strength of the Turkish weapon

The Human Rights Organization in Afrin: The armed militia members of the “Syrian National Army” and the barbaric settlers derive their strength and inhuman behavior from the power of the Turkish weapon, which contributes to spreading chaos and security chaos instead of the security and stability solutions imposed on the Turkish occupation forces towards the indigenous Kurdish population.

Sources said the Human Rights Organization in Afrin that a group of settler shepherds (who come from Al-Safire area east of Aleppo) in the village of Raja of Mabata town, on Wednesday 24/03/2021, attacked the indigenous Kurds, hitting them with stones and sticks and uttering obscene words, because of their resistance and preventing them from grazing cattle at courtyard of the house of the citizen Anwar Bakr, the father of the former kidnapped, Nawroz Bakr, and many families were wounded due to that attack, including elderly men and women, among them:
1 – Abdo Bakr
2 – Shero Bakr
3- Hamoude Bakr

The same sources added that the elements of the Al Hamzat militia led by the security official called Abu Salem, who are controlling the village of Qara Gol of Bulbul town, on Tuesday 23/03/2021, kidnapped the citizen Assad Ahmed Hanan from the village residents a week after his return from the city of Aleppo because he sold a car and returned to complete the sale procedures and took him to the security headquarters in the town center without knowing his fate so far
