Free Syria, their actions and practices


The Human Rights Organization in Afrin: After the Turkish occupation forces, accompanied by the armed militias affiliated them, the “Syrian National Army” of the Syrian Interim Government and the Syrian National Coalition, invaded Afrin region, they deliberately corrupted and destroyed the economic infrastructure, and cut and burned olive trees and forests, and among those militias the militia of the so-called Liwaa Samarqand, led by Abu Jihad, who control the village of Rotan of Mabata town, after they entered the village, they declared it as military zone, including a central prison belonging to the Liwaa, and the deportation of the elderly citizen “Hajja Nazo” 80 years old, the wife of the late Hajj Shukri Youssef, from her home and they took over the forcibly the house of her son, engineer Ahmed Shafiq Youssef, who was forcibly displaced, and he made it his headquarters, and resettled his family and relatives in the house of the elderly woman, who was forced to live with her daughter in the village of Husse of Mabata town, as well as the seizure of more than 2000 olive trees and 25 walnut trees – and a number of sumac trees belonging to her.