The concept of freedom and dignity in the dictionary of the Free Syrian National Army


The Human Rights Organization in Afrin: The revolutionary and religious concepts of freedom, dignity, justice and Islam in the dictionary of the armed militia elements differ in the “Free Syrian National Army” according to the inhuman actions and practices they carry out, and here we deal with some of concepts as follow:

1- Members of the Siqour Al Shamal who are controlling villages of (Gamrouk – Arab Sheikho) of Mabata town a few days ago confiscated and seized more than 60 agricultural tractors due to the residents’ refusal to carry out forced labor for the benefit of the faction members, and to treat them as slaves as they represent the Free Syrian National Army to gain their freedom and lost dignity.

2 – members of the Faylaq Al-Sham militia who are controlling the town of Medan Akbas, on Friday 09/04/2021, cut down 70 olive trees belonging to the citizen Sheikhmous Abdo, with the aim of making them firewood and transporting them to the city of Idlib.

3- Members of Faylaq Al-Sham militia who are controlling the seven Maydana villages, seized three houses in the village of Gawanda, located at the entrance to the village near the militia’s military checkpoint, owned by the family of citizen Hassan Qanbar, and they prevented the family from grazing their livestock in the pastures surrounding the village from hills and bushes.

4- The settler shepherds in the village of Semala, Maydana of Rajo town are still grazing cattle at night with force of arms in the middle of the vineyards belonging to the indigenous Kurdish population, despite
its young shoots are affected by fluctuating weather conditions in general, so grazing livestock eliminates the fruits completely.
