Displacement plans, roles and responsibilities


The Human Rights Organization in Afrin: According to reliable courses to the Human Rights Organization in Afrin that the recent Russian military moves raised the concerns of the people in the area of Shahba, the town of Tal Rif’at and the village of Kashtahar, and the open entry of Shiite militias to protect the towns of Nubil and Zahra and the formation of the area inhabited by the people of Afrin region who were displaced and forcibly detained by the loyalist forces of “YPG” for the Syrian regime, human shields to protect it, and to prevent them from returning to their villages and towns through the checkpoints they set up or through the mines planted in the vicinity of the camps and the surrounding villages. And what skirmishes that erupt from time to time indicate the existence of a prior agreement between the guarantor countries “Russia-Turkey-Iran” aimed at uprooting the Kurds from their regions, displacing them and dispersing them with the approval of the Syrian regime and with the direct participation of what they call themselves the Syrian opposition, both political and military the “Syrian Interim Government and the Syrian National Coalition” which have become among the priorities of their work is mercenarism and the implementation of the agendas and projects of regional countries. We also do not forget the failure of the Syrian regime to defend the Syrian Kurdish citizens and some Kurdish parties loyal to it, which have become an integral part of their policies, as well as what they claim to defend the Kurdish people in Syrian Kurdistan without taking any practical steps to rein in these hostile schemes aimed at obliterating the national, cultural, historical and civilizational identity of the people of the region.

Activists reported that in the past days, tension has continued in the areas under the control of the Syrian regime and its auxiliary forces, “the PYD forces” in each of Tal Rif’at and Shahba, and since the morning of Monday 19/04/2021, an unidentified aircraft flew overhead Izaz, Tal Rifaat and Shahba, and at about the eleven o’clock, a rocket-propelled grenade, originating from the city of Izaz, fell on the uninhabited village of Sheikh Hilal, near the town of Tal Rif’at, which contains a military headquarters known as “Shervan Nû”, without any news being reported about the injuries or damages caused by the shell. Whereas, YPG forces send small groups of kidnapped minor children to the Afrin area under the pretext of carrying out military operations and ambushing them according to prior coordination between the two conflicting parties in terms of form, the collaborators are guaranteed.

We call upon our Kurdish people forcibly displaced to the Shahba area and the surrounding villages, to take caution and beware of these plans that have become known to all foresight and to work to break the barrier of fear and solidarity together and hold protests in front of the existing military headquarters and demand that they allow them to return and secure the possible roads and safe to reach their area, and conveying their voices to the international concerned bodies with human rights and humanitarian organizations by putting pressure on the de facto authority represented by the PYD administration and on the Turkish occupation government to abide by international treaties and covenants on human rights, freedom of movement and protection from providing security and stability.
