The Return Uprising


The Human Rights Organization in Afrin: Afrin does not need someone to portray its pain and tragedies in profit exhibitions, or gain fame and social status, rather, it is looking for those who can alleviate it and get rid of the horror of the disaster that befell it at the hands of those who claim to protect it and set themselves up overnight, authorities, administrations, and so forth of the names.

On the occasion of the third anniversary of the return uprising, we are publishing successive episodes about it, and the factors that accompanied its partial, somewhat acceptable success, which constituted the first building block in its march, and an attempt to explain the reasons that led to restraining its march day after day, and we renew the pledge to continue and support the uprising, and endeavor to complete it to its fullest until bridging the gap that hinders its success.

The first episode


Three years have passed since the Turkish occupation forces invaded the Afrin region, and nearly two years have passed since the invasion of Sari Kaniye and Gire Spi, accompanied by the armed militias loyal to it, affiliated with the Syrian Interim Government and the Syrian Coalition. The passage of years preceding the perpetration of “systematic” organized crimes that were carried out under international and regional agreements and facilities “Russia-Turkey” and with the approval of the Syrian regime, Iranian support, and terrible American and European silence, all this will only increase us insistence and determination to march towards salvation from oppression and tyranny and secure our human rights and the rule of security, stability and peace.

The Turkish occupation government, after tightening its absolute military control over the Afrin region (with the exception of a number of villages in the Sherawa district), carried out displaced its original Kurdish population, it also worked to change the compass of the Syrian opposition and its revolution, which was calling for freedom and dignity, directing it towards the Kurds and fighting them instead of fighting the Syrian regime and overthrowing it, and convincing them that the Kurds are the true enemies of the Ottoman Caliphate and its compassionate Islamic projects towards Arabs and Muslims ”settlement Expansive, it also promised the Syrian opposition to pressure the Kurds to give up their lands, erase their history, liquidate their cause, impoverish them, and throw them into prisons and free Syrian – Turkish prisons, for those who remain among their people, and he also promised them to support the armed opposition with money and weapons in their projects and Jihad wars in order to support Islam in the domestic and global battlefields and its logistical adoption in international forums, and by establishing security, safety and stability in their new areas, and granting them fertile agricultural lands, fields, orchards, and Kurdish homes, provided that the Syrian opposition withdraw its military forces from Ghouta Al-Sham, Homs and Hama, accompanied by their supporters and their families, in order to settle them instead of the Kurdish atheists, as propagated by the “Free Turkish – Syrian Dark Circles”

As for the Kurdish side, the Kurdish people, especially those with scientific, cultural and artistic competencies, activists and organizations, have emphasized the civil society in Syrian Kurdistan in general, “Kurds Mountain- Kurdagh” in particular, and despite the horror of the disaster and the crimes committed by the Turkish regime and the Syrian armed militias loyal to it, against them, they insist to continue to demand their legitimate human rights in accordance with international covenants and charts, and that they are a nation and an authentic people living on their historical land, despite forced displacement and demographic change. They declare their adherence to and cling to their lands, and make sacrifices in order to thwart their aggressive plans until the dawn of freedom and security, safety and stability solutions in their original areas.

To be continued …….
