The appeal of the return


Those who carried out the process of displacement and demographic change before the Turkish invasion and occupation of the Afrin region, the killing of opponents of his policies, the arrest of the cadres of the Kurdish national movement and civil activists, and the pressure on the people, are the tools and partners of those who wanted to implement the scheme to uproot the Kurds from their lands.

the third episode

When we want to delve more precisely into the details of the Turkish military operation “the Turkish invasion” of the Afrin region, we must return a little to the last quarter of 2016 and the Turkish occupation forces enter each of the following areas (Izaz – Al-Bab – Jarablis) under the name of Operation Euphrates Shield, as the Turkish forces in those areas received an unparalleled reception by the opponents of the Syrian regime, both political and military, as though they were heroes who liberated their cities from the Syrian regime’s occupation and called the Turks “liberators” and to some extent the conquerors, therefore, they have shown their complete readiness (surrender) to whatever the Turkish occupation government decides in the meetings and the agreements it concludes with the international and regional powers “Astana – Sochi”, meanwhile, the official spokesperson for the YPG forces in Afrin announced the formation of the so-called “Syrian National Resistance” against the Turkish occupation in cooperation with the Syrian Arab Army, after rescuing Syrian officers and soldiers from Minagh Military Airport and smuggling them through Afrin region to Nubil and Zahraa, and then Aleppo, and in accordance with the agreements concluded between the Syrian regime and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in 2012, the withdrawal of its military and security forces, and their delivery to their members and supporters from the Democratic Union Party, instructing them to form security cells and gradually develop them into miniature military formations and extend their absolute control in the villages and the towns, relying on the elements most loyal and listening to everything decided by the recent strangers from the Qandil Mountains, known as “Cadre”. However, the culturally and politically weak popular base and the lesser numbers around them made the managers – those in charge of implementing the agreement – in coordination with the Syrian regime in contact with one of the Kurdish political currents that are more widespread in its party base and close in principle and moderate its positions on the regime and use them as a means and an entry point to expand his base and extend his absolute control.

As a result of the development of daily events and the expansion of the base in various ways, whether by using weapons or seduction, imposing compulsory conscription, forming the Revolutionary Youth and forming institutions and administrative offices leading to the municipal elections with the participation of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party in Syria – Yekity as we mentioned above, imitating the institutions of the Syrian regime and declaring itself as a de facto authority, which was named as “self-management” by the alliance of the two parties together,

The task of the de facto authority, “the Autonomous Administration”, is to suppress demonstrations and protests in the Kurdish regions against the Syrian regime and to neutralize their regions from participating with the people of other regions, we previously mentioned in previous documentation that the YPG forces suppressed about 152 protest demonstrations in the Kurdish regions, therefore, some anti-regime Kurds resorted to participating with the rest of the Syrian people in the Aleppo demonstrations (Al-Sakhour, Al-Hayidariya, Al-Hulk, Salahuddin, Saif Al-Dawla), then the military forces of the Autonomous Administration arrested the cadres of the Kurdish National Movement and the activists, and threw them into prisons and killed some of them, and massacres were committed against the people of Burj Abdalo during the family of Sheikh Na’asan and many others, up to the point of handing over a number of them to the security branches of the Syrian regime, as they pressured the people economically and socially, by imposing royalties and tributes in the name of assistance, except for imposing taxes and fines, and thus they deported most of the citizens and fled for fear of recruiting their children to the big cities. Damascus – Aleppo ”and another division into the Kurdistan region and Turkey and all the way to Europe, so that the number of displaced people during the de facto authority rule was estimated at about 250,000 citizens out of the total population of Afrin in 2017, which was estimated at about 700,000, rather, it opened the way in a systematic manner, by bringing in the displaced towards the Afrin region, fleeing conflict areas such as Aleppo, the southern and northern countryside and Idlib, the number of which is estimated at about 130 – 150 thousand displaced people instead of heading to the liberated Euphrates Shield areas or Idlib under the control of the so-called Free Syrian National Army.

To be continued
