Afrin… 600 kidnappers, whose fate is unknown


The Human Rights Organization in Afrin: Although the Turkish occupation forces released a number of formerly kidnapped persons during the past periods, some of them had stayed for more than two years, but they, accompanied by armed militia members of the Syrian Interim Government and the Syrian National Coalition, kidnapped larger numbers of those who were released and according to the latest statistics on the number of kidnapped people by Turkey occupation and armed factions in Afrin region in Syrian Kurdistan that more than 200 citizens were kidnapped in exchange for the release of nearly 20 people and more than 600 persons were kidnapped and the fate of them is still unknown.

Among them is the citizen Muhammad Yashar Mamo, 65, from the village of Sheik Khourze Wastani – married with five children, four of them with special needs, and his wife. He was kidnapped on 20/10/2018 in front of his house on the edge of the village while returning from the olive field accompanied by one of his handicapped

Turkey occupation and the armed factions, on March 18, 2018, took control of Afrin region (the city and its towns and villages) except for 12 villages in Sherawa area. Since then, violations, abuses and inhuman practices against the remaining Kurdish civilians have continued

Human Rights Organisation in Afrin
