The difference between individual and systematic behavior

The Human Rights Organization in Afrin: It is frequented by some of the officials of the Syrian National Coalition that some of the practices of its military forces represented by the so-called “Syrian National Army” are individual actions and may occur in any “liberated” region that witnesses chaos and security chaos, and for this, they must remind the people of the Kurdish areas occupied by the Turkish forces, which are under the control of the coalition, especially the Afrin region, of the positive actions and behaviors of their militia members over the past three years.

First: We can remind coalition officials of some unilateral behavior of their military representatives “according to their opinion”:

1 – Cutting down more than one million and four hundred thousand trees, including 670 thousand olive trees and 730 thousand forest trees (cutting – burning).
2- Dredging the soil in more than 43 archaeological sites, exhuming graves and destroying religious shrines.

3- The theft of the Basalt lion from the archaeological site of Ain Dara, which weighs tons and mosaic paintings from the site of the Prophet Hori.

4- Changing the historical and civilizational landmarks in the Afrin region and the names of public squares, main streets and some villages.

5- Turkify language and Arabization of the Kurdish regions and changing their demographics by settling Arabs and Turkmen instead of the original Kurdish population.

6 – Expelling Kurdish employees and teachers from local councils, schools, service departments, and relief organizations, and appointing settlers in their place.
7 – Unaccepting Kurdish citizens in the military and civil police corps with academic degrees and appointing barbaric shepherds as officers and members.
8- Upgrading the ranks of some of the leaders of the armed militias – their military representatives – the “liberals” as a reward for them after committing crimes against the indigenous Kurdish population.

9 – The random killings and kidnappings of more than 1,000 citizens, who are still unaccounted for, some of whom are being tried in Turkish territory.

10 – Carrying out continuously the theft, looting, armed robbery, swindling, fraud, theft Presses, seasons crops, and oil – olives – and seizing properties from homes, fields and agricultural lands.

These are a samples on individual behavior, and they only have to reveal the outcome of their systematic humanitarian actions against the people of the occupied “liberated” Kurdish areas.

Second: Samarkand militiamen of the “Syrian National Army” who are controlling some villages in Jenderes town, on Thursday March 11/2021, stormed the village of Kafardale Foqaani, passing through the checkpoints of the Al Hamzat militia who control the village and raided a number of homes occupied by settlers and two homes of indigenous people, in order to seize them by expelling the residents to settle their Arab relatives in their place, and then kidnapping 15 people (13 from the Arab component – 2 from the Kurds), the names of Kurdish citizens are as follow:

1 – Jihad Mustafa Ali
2 – Kamal Khalil Mustafa Ali

And taking everyone to an unknown destination, and then only insulting the Kurds, beating them severely and torturing them in front of the eyes of the rest of the kidnapped without prejudice to them.

All were released, on Friday, March 12, 2021, after threatening that they will go back again if they filed any complaint against them with the military police, while the effects of beating and brutal torture on the bodies of the two Kurdish citizens are clearly visible while they are bedridden.
