Kidnapping for financial extortion and ransom collection


The Human Rights Organization in Afrin: The military forces of the Syrian Interim Government and the Syrian National Coalition (the military and civilian police and armed militia elements) are still kidnapping the indigenous Kurds in the Afrin region for the purpose of material extortion and the collection of ransoms in exchange for their release and considering that process as an additional means in securing their salaries, which received from the Turkish occupation government in Turkish Lira.

Sources reported the Human Rights Organization in Afrin that the civil police in the Rajo town center, on Monday, March 29, 2021, kidnapped Kurdish citizens from Badina village of Rajo town on charges of standing on duty on guard during the ruling of the previous de facto authority ( The PYD) and taking them to the security headquarters in the town center and demanding payment of a sum of 1,500 Turkish Liras for the release of each of them, and they are:

1- Khalil Muhammad Sido, nicknamed “Bê Qiwat” (powerless), 60 years old.

2- Rifai Ali Horo, nicknamed “Êhlîko”, 52 years old.
The organization added that, on Thursday 01/04/2021, the militia members of the 112th Brigade controlling the village “Badina” kidnapped the citizen:

3- Abdeen Sheikh Musa, 52 years old.

In the same context activists reported that the Military Police from Mabata town center, on Wednesday, March 17, 2021, kidnapped the young man:

4- Ismail Tajuddin Ibrahim, 21 years old, without charge or mention of the reasons, and he was taken to the town center and he was also brutally tortured to extract confessions from him.
