The practices of some Arabs who forgot coexistence


The Human Rights Organization in Afrin: One feels astonished, surprised and painful at the same time when faced with the denial of the favor from others, a person deals with his surroundings with the goodness of his origin, and respect and appreciation for everyone who provides him with a service, no matter how simple, not to resort to denial and to do harm to life the corresponding person.

About seventy years ago, the Arab component had been present in the Afrin region at a slight rate estimated at about 2-3% during the eighties of the last century, by virtue of administrative jobs in state public institutions (police corps – postal employees – teachers) and some shepherds and farmers.
Among those villages (Qara Tappa – Qastal Keshik) of Shar town, which is under the control of Sultan Murad’s militia led by Abu Udai (Abu Shaqra) and his deputy called Abu Ahmed, and the life of the Arab component (the Arabs of the Ujaili clan) in the two villages was proceeding normally between the indigenous Kurdish population, until the Turkish occupation forces entered, accompanied by the armed militias loyal to them, as some of them resorted to bullying the Turks and militia elements, considering themselves an integral part of that military force, and they carry out actions and practices that are not worthy of respect, mutual appreciation, and coexistence over the years. Note that they steal the property of Kurdish citizens by force of arms at night and plunder their properties and reap their agricultural crops, with the complicity of the leaders of the armed militias in front of the sight of the Turkish forces. They also carried out an armed robbery on the house of Zakaria Sheikh Na’asan, a resident of the village of Qara Tappa, and the theft of the “Hoses” and the kit of the agricultural sector, and recently they are collecting money between them to provide a financial bribe to armed militia elements in order to expel the indigenous Kurds from the two villages.
