Thieves and bombings of “Freedom and Dignity Revolutionaries”


The Human Rights Organization in Afrin: Activists reported that an explosive device attached to a car owned by one of the trainers of the armed militias, called Abu Omar, who is affiliated with the Ahrar al-Sharqiya group, exploded in front of the seized house, near the Industrial School in the Mahmuodiya neighborhood of Afrin city at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday 08/06/2021, no information has been received about casualties and injuries so far, and it was limited to material damage to the car.

The city of Afrin witnesses such incidents almost every week due to personal disputes between armed elements about thefts and drug trafficking and the imposition of influence on the city’s neighborhoods.

According to private sources, an unidentified masked armed group (thieves) after midnight, on Monday 07/06/2021, carried out an armed robbery of the house of the elderly citizen Ahmed Hassan Rashkilo, nicknamed “Ahmed Selaho, about 75 years old, from the village of Aranda of Shiye town, who resides in the Al-Foqaani neighborhood in the town center of Jenderes. They brutally beat and tortured the elderly man and they tied his hands and feet and searched the rooms and robbed pieces of jewelry (golden bracelets) belonging to his wife and stole the cash in his possession, and then they fled away.

The disgusting thing, while the thieves carried out the theft, were chanting God is great, God is great, we are the revolutionaries of freedom and dignity, long live the Free Syrian National Army.