The Human Right Organization in Afrin: The names and concepts of the so-called “Syrian National Army” vary from a national army into a militia, a gang and to mercenaries according to the roles they play in the battlefields in implementation of the Turkish government’s agendas and its regional and international conflicts, far from the primary role in assuming national responsibility in achieving security and stability and gain freedom and dignity.
The elements of the armed militias affiliated with the Syrian government and the Syrian National Coalition direct and systematically directed by the Turkish occupation government to adopt new methods, including pressure on the indigenous Kurdish population in their villages in order to force them to leave and threaten them and fight them economically by not being able to secure a livelihood.
Sources reported the Human Right Organization in Afrin that Members of the security division of the Al Jabha Al Shamiya militia controlling Mabata town, on Monday 08/03/2021, kidnapped four elderly Kurdish citizens from the town (including two brothers) for the purpose of material extortion, collecting ransoms, and taking them to the security headquarters, after being accused of participating in guard shifts during the era of the previous administration, and their fate is still unknown until now, their names are:
1 – Adnan Shasha, 73 years old.
2 – Jamil Mustafa, 72 years.
3- Ali Youssef Mustafa, 67 years old.
4- Asaad Youssef Mustafa, nicknamed (Asaad Bakiye), 64 years old.

Note that this process is not the first time for them, previously they paid the ransom money before the courts, and they are now also required to pay a ransom of 600 Turkish liras for each of them in exchange for his release.
The same sources added that the security forces affiliated with Faylaq Al Sham militia, led by Salil al-Khalidi and his assistant Major Hisham, on Wednesday 03/03/2021, kidnapped the elderly Saeed Qanbar nicknamed (Saeed Mirjan) 56years old, from the village) Qastal Maydana) and taken to the security headquarters in the town of Medan Akbas on charges of standing on guard shift in order to collect the ransom in exchange for his release He was released on Monday, 03/08/2021, and Mohammed Khalil Haji Sheikho.

Sources in Afrin city reported that the security forces affiliated with the Faylaq Al Sham militia who are controlling Burj Haidar, on Sunday 07/03/2021, raided the house of citizen Ahmed Muhammad Khairi, 24 years old, kidnapped him for no reasons and took him to an unknown destination without knowing his fate so far.
