The Free Syrian National Army “with all its names are bandits to collect ransom”


The Human Rights Organization in Afrin: Activists reported to the Human Rights Organization in Afrin that members of the so-called Free Police militia in the town of Mabata, on Tuesday 15/06/2021, kidnapped the young man Husni Muhammad Sheikh Muhammad, 30 years old, from the town of Midanky of Shara town(married with two children), while working on distributing food supplies in the villages of Afrin region, without giving reasons, and taking him to the security headquarters, without knowing his fate so far.

The same sources said that the above-mentioned had been kidnapped twice previously, the first during April 2018 by armed militia members and arbitrarily detained for more than a year in Al-Ra’i prison and brought to trial, which imposed a fine on him in exchange for obtaining the “innocence” for his release. The second, during August 2020, was kidnapped by the military police and taken to the military headquarters and forced to pay the ransom in exchange for his release.
