Militiamen of armed groups and factions turned to bandits in Afrin region

The Human Rights Organization in Afrin: Sources reported to the Human Rights Organization in Afrin in said that members of the armed militia called the “Free Syrian National Army” have turned into bandits and forced Kurdish citizens to pay the ransom.

Activists in Afrin city said that, on Monday, 01/03/2021, the members of the Siqour Al Shamal (Northern Hawks) militia who control the village of Gamrouk of Mabata town kidnapped citizens of the village, following the methods of bandits on their way to Afrin city to spend their work, for the purpose of material extortion and ransom collection without directing any accusations and taking them to an unknown destination without knowing their fate so far, and they are both:
Amin Zaki Mannan, nicknamed Abu Shero, 52 years old.
Jamil Muhammad Ibrahim, 48 years old.

The same sources also added that the militia members demanded from the citizens’ families a sum of 1,000 Turkish liras for each person in exchange for his release.
