A message from the Kurdish people in Rojava Kurdistan “Syrian Kurdistan”

Mr. President Joe Biden, President of the United States of America
Greetings and Salutation
We send you this message that expresses the aspirations of our Kurdish people in Rojava Kurdistan “Syrian Kurdistan”, especially from the people of the occupied Kurdish areas by the Turkish forces, accompanied and assisted by the armed militias loyal to them, as they are watching and looking forward to the upcoming meeting between you and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Brussels on June 14, 2021 on the sidelines of the NATO countries meeting, and we all hope that the meeting will include in one of its articles the Turkish interventions in “Syrian Kurdistan” and the fight against the Kurds in various ways in the name of “terrorism and separatism” and an attempt to obliterate the cultural and historical identity of the Kurdish people, starting from the occupied Afrin region through the rest of the areas under the control of its military forces the “Sari Kaniye – Gire Spi”, and finally threatening the rest of the Kurdish towns, all the way to Derik, according to its historically colonial policies and the realization of the dream of the Ottoman Empire, “the Milli Document”, it began through three military operations to dismember the Kurdish regions from each other, under different names “Euphrates Shield – Olive Branch – Spring of Peace” with the approval of the Syrian regime and the disregard of its eyes by former US President Donald Trump, and committing war crimes against the Kurdish indigenous population and carrying out inhumane acts and practices of bombing Kurdish areas and towns with rocket and artillery shells and putting pressure on the Kurds in their villages and towns in order to displace them to settle Arabs and Turkmens in their stead according to regional and international agreements “Astana – Sochi”, they also built settlements for them and worked to seize and steal the property of Kurdish citizens from pyrene factories, olive, wheat and barley presses, industrial workshops, agricultural machinery, and bulldozing the soil in search of antiquities and archaeological finds. They also kidnap citizens on false accusations and pretexts for the purpose of material extortion and ransom collection, except for cutting down fruitful and forest trees to make them firewood. International reports issued by the Human Rights Council have referred more than once to the Turkish role in fighting the Kurds, as stated by Amnesty International and the American Religious Freedom Committee in their periodic reports, in addition to pointing out what the Turkish Religious Endowment Foundation plays in spreading extremist Islamic thought in places of worship and schools, while the Syrian Kurdish community in the United States of America enjoys its full freedoms and human, sectarian and democratic rights.

Mr. President

You know very well what the Kurds “Peshmerga – SDF” played a key role in fighting the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq “ISIS” along with the international coalition forces led by the United States of America, and the victims and casualties they provided in the heroic battles, while the Turkish state was working to support terrorist groups and supplying them with weapons under the name of humanitarian and relief aid, especially Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra), and it worked to include formations from them to the armed militia loyal to it and affiliated to the “Syrian National Army” who transformed by doing the decisions of the Turkish government to soldiers on-demand “mercenaries” and send them to Libya – Azerbaijan – Yemen – Kurdistan Region – to fight the national governments.

We are looking forward to the essential role of the United States of America, under your leadership, advocates of human values, freedom, and democracy in the fight against terrorism and Turkish arrogance in order to establish international justice and peace in the Middle East in general and Kurdistan in particular, and for this reason, we demand to pressure on the Turkish government to do the following:

1 – The work to stop the Turkish threats and attacks on the Kurdish areas and deter them from bombing the populated areas.

2 – The work to ensure the access of humanitarian and relief organizations and international media sites to the Kurdish areas.

3 – Stopping the process of changing the demographic structure (demographic change) and building settlements in the occupied Kurdish areas.

4 – To put pressure on the Turkish side to withdraw its military forces from the Kurdish areas into Turkish territory, and to place the Kurdish areas “Syrian Kurdistan” under international supervision until a solution to the Syrian crisis is found and the armed militias must be removed from the Kurdish areas.

5 – Securing safe ways for the return of the Kurdish indigenous people to their villages and towns and restoring their homes and properties seized by the Turkish forces and the armed militias loyal to them.

6 – Working to find a just and peaceful solution to the Kurdish issue in “Syrian Kurdistan” in accordance with international conventions and covenants and protecting it from external interference, especially with the emergence of the global economic conflict between East and West and the importance of Kurdistan’s geography in preserving its resources and interests linked to American interests.

Human Rights Organization in Afrin