Fires in Mabata town and a new settlement in Shara town


The Human Rights Organization in Afrin: Activists reported that fire broke out in the forest located between the villages of Hajj Qasma and Dala at two o’clock in the afternoon on Sunday 20/06/2021, which was carried out by the settlers, with the complicity of the armed militia elements, in order to cut it down and turn it into firewood. We also previously touched on the fires that were set by armed militia members on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, in the forested forests extending between the town of Shiye and reaching the outskirts of the villages of Ramadana and Hajj Hasna of Jenderes town.

The y added that the area of the fires may be estimated at more than 20 hectares, which may later enter into the calculations of the Turkish occupation government by creating a settlement instead of the forest, similar to what is currently happening with the establishment of a settlement in the place of the forested forest that was burned and cut down, overlooking the main road between the villages of “Omara” – Qastal Jindo, consisting of 2,000 apartments, under the direction of the Turkish occupation government and under the supervision of a group of Al-Jabha Al-Shamiya militia leaders who attended the foundation stone laying ceremony for the settlement. The members of the Al-Jabha Al-Shamiya militia were prevented and the original Kurdish residents of the neighboring villages, “Qastal Jindo – Dikmadashe – Omara – Sinka – Chama,” were also prevented, expelled and threatened to kill them if they lodged a complaint before the committee of the so-called “Restoration of Rights and Grievances” and if they plowed their nearby lands from the site and shooting over their heads to intimidate them and instill fear in them.

Note that the new settlement includes adjacent lands owned by the Kurdish citizens in the surrounding villages, except for the damage to their property as a result of looting, theft and robbery by thieves from the armed militias and settlers wherever they land.
