The deprivation of rights in light of the formation of the so-called committee “Restitution of Rights and Grievances”

The Human Rights Organization in Afrin: According our sources that the behavior and practices of armed…

Collecting the ransom is as an excuse to kidnap any Kurdish

Human Rights Organization in Afrin: Informed sources told the Human Rights Organization in Afrin that since…

Abu Amsha General Contracting and Building Contracting

The Human Rights Organization in Afrin: Methods of robbery and collecting funds varied among the leaders…

Kidnapping processes are continuing

The Human Rights Organization in Afrin: Activists reported that kidnappings of Kurdish citizens continue in the…

Leaders of armed militias and their enslavement decisions

The Human Rights Organization in Afrin: Activists said that the so-called commander of the Hamzat militia,…

Afrin… Secret detention centers under Turkish supervision

The Human Rights Organization in Afrin, since the invasion of its military forces, accompanied by armed…

The decision of the squad leader before and after the formation of the Rights and Grievances Restitution Committee

More than once we have touched on the practices of the so-called Muhammad al-Jasim, alias Abu…

Soldiers on call with new clothes and agendas

After the Turkish government failed to market the military force it had previously formed from various…